R.G. Daily Log

May 4, 2016 
Today we met as a team for the first time and learned more specifics about the ROV project. I worked to establish to blog and set up my other team members. I have not used Blogger, so it's been an interesting experience to learn about the back-end interface. I created daily log pages like this one, and chose a snazzy theme so our blog is aesthetically pleasing. Next class I am going to help research for the page describing what an ROV is, and possibly begin with construction.

May 6, 2016
Today I help set up some of my team members who were absent last class. I also worked to complete the challenge page (check it out!). It was a bit challenging to learn how to add images to the document, and link to my sources. It was also hard to know what information to include. We also talked with our teacher about the attributes an ROV must have (see our informational page to learn more) and were given our SeaPerch building kit. Next class, our team is going to start building. I hope to be in charge of the control panel, because I enjoy soldering.

May 10, 2016
Today we learned a few safety skills. I watched some videos about soldering and began a practice exercise, but unfortunately the soldering iron was not hot enough. Soldering requires precision, so I'm excited but also worried about moving forward with the control box. My team looked through the control kit and instructions more today. Next class I'll continue practicing and hopefully begin soldering the control.

May 11, 2016
Today my partner and I finished the "Learn to Solder" kit. I began the control box soldering as well. I learned that the soldering iron we have take a little while to heat up. Next class my challenge will be to finish the control box since my team needs to be done with the ROV then. Another thing to be aware of is the fumes from the solder because it contains lead, and I don't want to inhale that.

May 13, 2016
Today I finished soldering the control board, and screwed the components into place. I tested it on an ROV from last year. I also soldered the motors and then helped waterproof them with toilet bowl wax. The wax was very sticky. I wore gloves, though, so it was okay. Our ROV is almost constructed, we just have to connect all the parts! Next class we will start considering modifications and brainstorm a plan for that.

May 19. 2016
Today we officially finished constructing our ROV as a group. We did a buoyancy test to make sure our ROV was neither floating nor sinking in the pools. I placed a hanger on the ROV for the oil spill challenge, then at the pool we tried to see if it would work all together. I'm trying to think of the best way to collect the octopuses because the things available at the store might not work. Next class, I'll continue experimenting with my group!

May 20, 2016
Today we continued to experiment with our ROV. We began working on attaching the fishing cam. I attached another hanger to the ROV to try to help pick up the octopuses. I also got to spend some time moving around the ROV in the pool. It was very difficult, so we will need to practice. We only have one more day to build, so we are going to need to hurry. It will be challenging to get everything working the way we want it to.

May 23, 2016
Today we decided to try out hydraulics. We think it will be more effective. I experimented with James in using tongs to pick up the octopuses. We purchased new supplies for that system, including tubing and syringes. Tania helped me set up the system more and attach it to our ROV. It will be interesting to see how our ROV works tomorrow.

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